Saturday 16 January 2010

And Another Thing

I've just finished reading And Another Thing by Eoin Colfer which is the sixth of the Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy. Like most people of my age I read the Hitch-hiker's series when I was a teenager and like a lot of people I loved the anarchy, humour and brains with which Douglas Adams wrote. I actually always preferred the Dirk Gently series. If only because of the eponymous hero -if you meet Arthur at a party you'd go off with an alien too but I reckon I'd be strangely drawn to Dirk.
So is Eoin Colfer's sequel a worthy part of the series ? Well I find myself in the peculiar position, I liked so much of this novel, it is a great idea , I'm glad to be reunited with the characters although why no Fenchurch, and there was plenty of humour. And yet the plot happens and we find ourselves back at almost the same place as we started and frankly Eoin Colfer's interpretation of the characters isn't mine.
But it's that previous relationship I miss, the one between a teenage me and Douglas Adams. Reading Adams is like being greeted by a very large but friendly dog ,it's exciting, it makes you feel all loved up but you got to keep your wits about you or you'll end up on the floor covered in mud ,it's that element of challenge that I don't find in this book. Douglas Adams assured me that the universe was a awesome and sometime awful place but should always be approached with wonder, Colfer's universe is altogether too contained, too domesticated for my liking.
As always let me know what you think. Or better still buy the copy of And Another Thing we are selling, read it and let me know what you think.

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